It’s time for another Question Time podcast.
In this episode, co-host M Bungard is a late withdrawal, as Fan Favourite, the Daily Telegraph and Rugby League’s very own Nick Campton comes in off the bench, with some Dean Widders-esque impact, as Campo and The Rookies answer your Patreon and Twitter fan questions, covering a wide array of topics including;
- Who would win a match between the Titans and the NRL anti-vaxxer all-stars?
- Which stupid-ass conspiracy theory will NRL players start believing next?
- What is a specific Rugby League skill that you wish you had to use in real life?
- Should referees be cut further in half?
- Are there any Cult Heroes left in Rugby League?
This, and covering much much more that you asked us, in this week’s Question Time Boom Rookies podcast.
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Source: Rugby League Podcasting Network
Question Time – Mr Millenium
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